Setting Up Log Rotation for Ruby on Rails Application on Ubuntu

Once you've deployed a Ruby on Rails web application, chances are the log files grew in sizes and occupy most of the disk space. On a live application, often time the log size grew to Gigabytes in size and the server crashes because there is no disk space left. So…

Writing Long Running Rake Task

Rake task is being used all the time in Ruby on Rails. Whether it is being used to import data from other system, clean up existing data, populate data in development environment for testing purpose, or other uses, chances are some of these rake tasks will take a long time…

Advantages of Using Ruby on Rails IT Outsourcing Company VS Directly Hiring a Freelancer

As you seek professional web development or mobile app development you get a wide range of options that you can consider. The first option is always doing the job yourself. This would need you to have a high level of skill and a lot of time on your hands. The…

Image Optimisation Tool using Golang: imagecomp

ImageOptim is a great image compression tool, however, it doesn't compress image as optimal as possible. Hence, we decided to build our own image compression tool in Golang: imagecomp. imagecomp depends on Golang, pngquant, and mozjpeg to be installed. For the dependency installation, follow this instructions. To compress all images…

Case Study: Excel Reading / Writing Library Performance Comparison

We're doing a lot of writing to Excel files in our latest ERP project. In the beginning, we use RubyXL to read and write Excel files. However, we found out that often the server crashed and restarted when it is writing Excel file. Turns out, the problem is with the…

Ruby on Rails: Allow Import CSV File with Double Quote (") Character

In one of the project that we're working on, we allow the application to import a CSV file that is using tab character to separate the columns. We can read a CSV file using the CSV class or Ruby gem like Roo gem. But there is a problem when we…